DOTNETNUKE Platform Goes to C#

Just to make a note to another big change for a platform I have worked for some time. Shawn Walker announced this change today:

I have met many DOTNETNUKE celebrities at the MVP Summit today and it is an interesting day.

Missing items under HOST tab— DNN 5.6.1 bug

If you are running into this issue, you can search your Tabs table in dnn database with this:

SELECT   * FROM Tabs  WHERE TabPath Like ‘//Host%’ AND PortalID Is Not Null

You may see one or more records returned from above query.  If you do see more or more records,  you can run an UPDATE query to update PortalID  column’s value back to NULL for these HOST related items.

–Find it


Exists(SELECT 1 FROM Tabs WHERE TabPath Like ‘//Host%’ AND PortalID Is Not Null)

–Fix it


Tabs SET PortalID= Null WHERE TabPath Like ‘//Host%’ AND PortalID Is Not NULL

SQL Server 2005 SELECT MAX function for multiple columns

I have participatedin  this discussion 5 years ago, and just for a record, I want to track the thread here:

SQL snippet to Fill US state DropDownBox in Dynamic Forum (DNN)

Here is the code Snippet:

SELECT QuestionOption, QuestionOptionValue

FROM (SELECT ‘– Select –‘ AS QuestionOption, ‘-1’ AS QuestionOptionValue


SELECT  TEXT AS QuestionOption, VALUE AS QuestionOptionValue FROM Lists WHERE ListName = ‘Region’ AND ParentID = (SELECT EntryID FROM Lists WHERE VALUE = ‘US’)) AS alias

ORDER BY QuestionOption

DNN 5.6.1 Email Validation Problem

There are some changes between 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 in how to validate email with RegExp in User Accounts.

These changes may break email function at DNN 5.6.1 site if you don’t have a working regular expression setup in Admin>User Settings>User Accounts Settings—-Email Address Validation: textbox.

To leave this textbox BLANK on your site may cause the validation problem with the validation bug introduced in DNN 5.6.1.

You can add a value which worked prior to 5.6.1:


After you add this value, you can find this new entry from PotalSetting table at your DNN database. Your email validation function should work now. In our case, we can send emails from Dynamic Form (DataSpring) on our site again.

More info: