
I work as senior DBA with MCSE certifications. I use this space to record code snippets I am using to solve problems during my work or at forums. If you find anything that is useful, please take it and enjoy.

I may respond to your questions about my posting here.

8 Comments on “About”

  1. yrbyogiogi says:

    waiting for your code snippets to learn more & more.

  2. SQLFan says:

    Hi Li,

    Good code snippets, they are of great use.

    As a SQL Server fan, may I have your email address?

    It would be appreciated of you if you could contact me(zhanglvlong@gmail.com)

  3. Hi Li, One of the students has some T-SQL doubt hence I thought of checking with you.
    could you please look into the problem and help with a solution?

    The question is as follows

    CREATE TABLE People (ID INT PRIMARY KEY , name NVARCHAR(50), motherID INT, fatherID INT, sex NVARCHAR(50));

    INSERT People VALUES(1, ‘A’, NULL, NULL, ‘male’);
    INSERT People VALUES(2, ‘B’, NULL, NULL, ‘female’);
    INSERT People VALUES(3, ‘C’, 1, 2, ‘male’);
    INSERT People VALUES(4, ‘X’, NULL, NULL, ‘male’);
    INSERT People VALUES(5, ‘Y’, NULL, NULL, ‘female’);
    INSERT People VALUES(6, ‘Z’, 5, 4, ‘female’);
    INSERT People VALUES(7, ‘T’, NULL, NULL, ‘female’);

    CREATE TABLE marriages (
    HusbandID INT REFERENCES People(id),
    WifeID INT REFERENCES People(id)
    INSERT marriages VALUES (1,2);
    INSERT marriages VALUES (4,5);
    INSERT marriages VALUES (1,5);
    INSERT marriages VALUES (3,6);

    People who are reachable from this person(“A”)
    “A” is the reference person who I start.
    I want to try reach(get) all of people who have a relationship with this person directly or indirectly.

    For example;
    When I give ID=1, it should return to me 1,2,3,4,5,6.(order is not important)
    Likewise When I give ID=6, it should return to me 1,2,3,4,5,6.(order is not important)
    Likewise When I give ID=7, it should return to me 7.

    • Jingyang Li says:

      A brutal force solution:

      declare @id int=1
      CREATE TABLE People (ID INT PRIMARY KEY , name NVARCHAR(50), motherID INT, fatherID INT, sex NVARCHAR(50));
      INSERT People VALUES(1, 'A', NULL, NULL, 'male');
      INSERT People VALUES(2, 'B', NULL, NULL, 'female');
      INSERT People VALUES(3, 'C', 1, 2, 'male');
      INSERT People VALUES(4, 'X', NULL, NULL, 'male');
      INSERT People VALUES(5, 'Y', NULL, NULL, 'female');
      INSERT People VALUES(6, 'Z', 5, 4, 'female');
      INSERT People VALUES(7, 'T', NULL, NULL, 'female');
      CREATE TABLE marriages (
      HusbandID INT REFERENCES People(id),
      WifeID INT REFERENCES People(id)
      INSERT marriages VALUES (1,2);
      INSERT marriages VALUES (4,5);
      INSERT marriages VALUES (1,5);
      INSERT marriages VALUES (3,6);
      ;with mycte as (
      select ID, null relatedID from People
      select ID, motherID relatedID from People
      select ID, fatherID relatedID from People
      Select HusbandID, WifeId relatedID  from marriages
      ,mycte2 as (
      SELECT id  FROM mycte 
      where id in (select id from mycte where id=@id)
      or relatedID in (select relatedID from mycte where id=@id)
      SELECT   relatedID FROM mycte 
      where id in (select id from mycte where id=@id)
      or relatedID in (select relatedID from mycte where id=@id)
      select id from mycte  
      where  id in (select id from mycte2 ) or relatedID in (select id from mycte2) 
      select relatedID from mycte  
      where ( id in (select id from mycte2 )or relatedID in (select id from mycte2)) 
      and relatedID is not null
      drop table marriages, People

      If you don’t mind, could you post your question on MSDN T-SQL forum?

      • Hi Li, Thanks for your help. I’ve asked the student and give the reference to the post it in the MSDN T-SQL forum:)
        Best Regards,

      • Jingyang Li says:
        DECLARE @Value INT
        SET @Value = 6
        CREATE TABLE People (ID INT PRIMARY KEY , name NVARCHAR(50), motherID INT, fatherID INT, sex NVARCHAR(50));
        INSERT People VALUES(1, 'A', NULL, NULL, 'male');
        INSERT People VALUES(2, 'B', NULL, NULL, 'female');
        INSERT People VALUES(3, 'C', 1, 2, 'male');
        INSERT People VALUES(4, 'X', NULL, NULL, 'male');
        INSERT People VALUES(5, 'Y', NULL, NULL, 'female');
        INSERT People VALUES(6, 'Z', 5, 4, 'female');
        INSERT People VALUES(7, 'T', NULL, NULL, 'female');
        CREATE TABLE marriages (
        HusbandID INT REFERENCES People(id),
        WifeID INT REFERENCES People(id)
        INSERT marriages VALUES (1,2);
        INSERT marriages VALUES (4,5);
        INSERT marriages VALUES (1,5);
        INSERT marriages VALUES (3,6);
        --create source relation dataset
        ;with dataSource as (
        select ID id, null relatedid from People
        select ID, motherID relatedid from People
        select ID, fatherID relatedid from People
        Select HusbandID, WifeId relatedid  from marriages
        , LeftIDs AS
          SELECT id, relatedid  FROM dataSource
          WHERE relatedid = @Value
            UNION ALL
          SELECT a.id, a.relatedid FROM dataSource a
          JOIN LeftIDs b ON a.id = b.relatedid
        , RightIDs AS
          SELECT id, relatedid FROM dataSource
          WHERE id = @Value
            UNION ALL
          SELECT a.id, a.relatedid FROM dataSource a
          JOIN LeftIDs b ON ( b.relatedid = a.id or a.relatedid = b.id)
        , RightIDs2 AS
          SELECT id, relatedid FROM dataSource
          WHERE id = @Value
            UNION ALL
          SELECT a.id, a.relatedid FROM dataSource a
          JOIN RightIDs b ON ( b.relatedid = a.id or a.relatedid = b.id)
         , RightIDs3 AS
          SELECT id, relatedid FROM dataSource
          WHERE id  = @Value
            UNION ALL
          SELECT a.id, a.relatedid FROM dataSource a
          JOIN RightIDs2 b ON ( b.relatedid = a.id or a.relatedid = b.id)
         , RightIDs4 AS
          SELECT id, relatedid FROM dataSource
          WHERE id  = @Value
            UNION ALL
          SELECT a.id, a.relatedid FROM dataSource a
          JOIN RightIDs3 b ON ( b.relatedid = a.id or a.relatedid = b.id)
        ,finalcte as
          SELECT id  FROM LeftIDs
          SELECT relatedid  FROM LeftIDs
          SELECT id  FROM RightIDs
          SELECT relatedid
          FROM RightIDs
          SELECT id FROM RightIDs2
          SELECT relatedid  FROM RightIDs2
          SELECT id  FROM RightIDs3
          SELECT relatedid  FROM RightIDs3
          SELECT id  FROM RightIDs4
          SELECT relatedid FROM RightIDs4
        select id from finalcte
        WHERE id is not null
        drop table marriages, People
  4. zara says:

    Hi Li,

    Your snippets and solutions are great,
    As a SQL Server beginner, may I have your email address?
    It would be appreciated if you could contact me.
    I need your help more in the SQL Script.

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