A few Queries that are related to Agent Information

You can tweak a few useful queries Datta Sindol compiled to make them useful for you if you want to get some information about agent jobs from MSDB.
Here is the link:


Execute Stored Procedure with Parameters and Insert the Resultset Into a Table

 --Set parameters
declare	@did int = 1,
		@eid int =88

declare @sqltax varchar(1000);
select @sqltax = 'SET NOCOUNT ON;SET FMTONLY OFF; EXEC [mydb].[dbo].[getMytaxes]
	 @did = '+cast(@did as varchar(15))
	 +', @eid = '+cast(@eid as varchar(15))
EXEC ('SELECT *  INTO mytaxes  FROM  OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=MC12\MSSQL08R2;Trusted_Connection=yes;'',''' +  @sqltax + ''') AS t;')

select eid, sum(tax) as taxtotal 
into mytaxes2
from mytaxes
group by eid

Drop table mytaxes
Drop table mytaxes2


How to SUM odd and even digits ina big number with T-SQL


 create table test (number varchar(50))
Insert into test values('196421744643'),('12121212121212')
select number,  SUM(Case WHEN num%2 =1 then Cast(substring(number,num,1) as int) end) OddSum,
SUM(Case WHEN num%2 =0 then Cast(substring(number,num,1) as int) end) EvenSum
 from test
 cross apply (Values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15)) d(num) 
 WHERE substring(number,num,1)<>''
 Group by number
 drop table test


Script DBMail Profiles

User Lowell posted a script to script out DBMail’s profile at this thread:

I include the script here for future reference:

USE msdb

Declare @TheResults varchar(max),
        @vbCrLf CHAR(2)
SET @vbCrLf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)        
SET @TheResults = '
use master
sp_configure ''show advanced options'',1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure ''Database Mail XPs'',1
--sp_configure ''SQL Mail XPs'',0
SELECT @TheResults = @TheResults  + '
-- BEGIN Mail Settings ' + p.name + '
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile WHERE  name = ''' + p.name + ''') 
    --CREATE Profile [' + p.name + ']
    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
      @profile_name = ''' + p.name + ''',
      @description  = ''' + ISNULL(p.description,'') + ''';
  END --IF EXISTS profile
  IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_account WHERE  name = ''' + a.name + ''')
    --CREATE Account [' + a.name + ']
    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
    @account_name            = ' + CASE WHEN a.name                IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.name                  + '''' END + ',
    @email_address           = ' + CASE WHEN a.email_address       IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.email_address         + '''' END + ',
    @display_name            = ' + CASE WHEN a.display_name        IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.display_name          + '''' END + ',
    @replyto_address         = ' + CASE WHEN a.replyto_address     IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.replyto_address       + '''' END + ',
    @description             = ' + CASE WHEN a.description         IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.description           + '''' END + ',
    @mailserver_name         = ' + CASE WHEN s.servername          IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + s.servername            + '''' END + ',
    @mailserver_type         = ' + CASE WHEN s.servertype          IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + s.servertype            + '''' END + ',
    @port                    = ' + CASE WHEN s.port                IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,s.port) + '''' END + ',
    @username                = ' + CASE WHEN c.credential_identity IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + c.credential_identity   + '''' END + ',
    @password                = ' + CASE WHEN c.credential_identity IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''NotTheRealPassword''' END + ', 
    @use_default_credentials = ' + CASE WHEN s.use_default_credentials = 1 THEN ' 1 ' ELSE ' 0 ' END + ',
    @enable_ssl              = ' + CASE WHEN s.enable_ssl = 1              THEN ' 1 ' ELSE ' 0 ' END + ';
  END --IF EXISTS  account
  + '
              FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profileaccount pa
                INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile p ON pa.profile_id = p.profile_id
                INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_account a ON pa.account_id = a.account_id  
              WHERE p.name = ''' + p.name + '''
                AND a.name = ''' + a.name + ''') 
    -- Associate Account [' + a.name + '] to Profile [' + p.name + ']
    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
      @profile_name = ''' + p.name + ''',
      @account_name = ''' + a.name + ''',
      @sequence_number = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,pa.sequence_number) + ' ;
  END --IF EXISTS associate accounts to profiles
-- Drop Settings For ' + p.name + '
            FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profileaccount pa
              INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile p ON pa.profile_id = p.profile_id
              INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_account a ON pa.account_id = a.account_id  
            WHERE p.name = ''' + p.name + '''
              AND a.name = ''' + a.name + ''')
    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_delete_profileaccount_sp @profile_name = ''' + p.name + ''',@account_name = ''' + a.name + '''
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_account WHERE  name = ''' + a.name + ''')
    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_delete_account_sp @account_name = ''' + a.name + '''
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile WHERE  name = ''' + p.name + ''') 
    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_delete_profile_sp @profile_name = ''' + p.name + '''
FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile p
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_profileaccount pa ON  p.profile_id = pa.profile_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_account a         ON pa.account_id = a.account_id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_server s     ON a.account_id = s.account_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.credentials c    ON s.credential_id = c.credential_id

                    SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL  
                    SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL  
                    SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL  
                    SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1), --         10 or 10E01 rows  
         E02(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E01 a, E01 b),  --        100 or 10E02 rows  
         E04(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E02 a, E02 b),  --     10,000 or 10E04 rows  
         E08(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E04 a, E04 b),  --100,000,000 or 10E08 rows  
         --E16(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E08 a, E08 b),  --10E16 or more rows than you'll EVER need,  
         Tally(N) AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY N) FROM E08),  
                ) as (  
                      SELECT N,  
                        SUBSTRING(@vbCrLf + @TheResults + @vbCrLf,N + DATALENGTH(@vbCrLf),CHARINDEX(@vbCrLf,@vbCrLf + @TheResults + @vbCrLf,N + DATALENGTH(@vbCrLf)) - N - DATALENGTH(@vbCrLf))  
                      FROM Tally  
                      WHERE N < DATALENGTH(@vbCrLf + @TheResults)  
                      --WHERE N < DATALENGTH(@vbCrLf + @INPUT) -- REMOVED added @vbCrLf  
                        AND SUBSTRING(@vbCrLf + @TheResults + @vbCrLf,N,DATALENGTH(@vbCrLf)) = @vbCrLf --Notice how we find the delimiter  
    row_number() over (order by ItemOrder) as ItemID,  
  from ItemSplit  


Find Broken Loop COnnection from Two Columns

 Create table Sample
  Rec_Id Int Not null,
  Name varchar(30) null,
  ID1 varchar(10) null,
  ID2 varchar(10) null,
  [Rec_Id] ASC

Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 1 ,'A', 'A1X31','A2XX1')
  Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 2 ,'A', 'A2XX1','B2C45')
  Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 3 ,'A', 'B2C45' ,'A1X31')  --> No need to display these 3 records becoz they form one loop( 1st row ID1='A1X31' value matches 3rd row ID2 ='A1X31'value)
 Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 4 ,'B',    'B1Y35' , 'B2Y15')
 Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values (  5 , 'B',  'B2Y15', 'B5Y13')
 Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values (  6 , 'B' , 'B5Y13' , null) --> Need to display this 3rd record becoz it is broken loop ( 1st row ID1='B1Y35' value doesn't matches 3rd row ID2 = null value)
 Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 7 ,'C',   'C5Z19' , 'C5B12')
  Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 8 ,'C' , 'C5B12' , 'C5JPQ')
  Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 9 ,'C' , 'C5JPQ' , 'C3JPQ')
  Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values (10 ,'C' , 'C6JPQ' , 'C5Z19')  --> Need to display this 4th record becoz it is broken loop ( 3rd row ID2='C3JPQ' value doesn't matches 4th row ID1 = 'C6JPQ' value)

Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 11 ,'D', 'D5Z16' , 'D5Z17')
 Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 12 , 'D', 'D5Z17', 'D5Z18')
 Insert into sample (Rec_ID,Name,ID1,ID2) values ( 13 , 'D' , 'D5Z18' , 'D5Z17')  --> Need to display this 3rd record becoz it is broken loop ( 1st row ID1='D5Z16' value doesn't matches 3rd row ID2 =  'D5Z17' value)
;with mycte as
(select Rec_Id,name, id1, id2  
,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by name order by Rec_Id) as rn1 
,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by name order by Rec_Id DESC) as rn2
from sample )
, mycte1 as(
select m0.Rec_id,m0.name, m0.id1,  m0.id2 , Coalesce (m1.id2, m2.id2,'') id2_2, m0.rn2
, Sum(Case when m0.id1=Coalesce (m1.id2, m2.id2,'')   Then 0 Else 1 END) Over(Partition By m0.Name)  as cnt
from mycte m0 
Left Join mycte m1 On  m0.name =m1.name and m0.rn1=m1.rn1+1
Left Join mycte m2 On  m0.name =m2.name and m0.rn2=m2.rn1

Select Rec_id,name, id1,id2 
from mycte1
WHERE rn2=1 AND cnt>0
Order by Rec_id

Rec_id	name	id1	id2
6	B	B5Y13	NULL
10	C	C6JPQ	C5Z19
13	D	D5Z18	D5Z17


drop table sample


Merge Update Sample

Create table MinuteCategory([Minute] int, MinuteCategory varchar(50))
Insert into MinuteCategory values (1,'a1'),(33,'a1'),(65,'a1')
Create table MinuteLookup( MinuteCategoryId int identity(1,1), MinuteLow int, MinuteHigh int, MinuteCategory varchar(50))
Insert into MinuteLookup values(1,15,'<15min'),(16,30,'<30 min'),(31,45,'<45 min'),(46,60,'<60 minutes'),(61,75,'<1 hour 15 minutes')

Merge MinuteCategory mc 
Using MinuteLookup ml on mc.[Minute] between ml.MinuteLow and ml.MinuteHigh
When Matched Then

SET MinuteCategory = ml.MinuteCategoryId;

select * from MinuteCategory mc inner join MinuteLookup ml on mc.MinuteCategory = ml.MinuteCategoryId

----Clean up
drop table MinuteCategory,MinuteLookup


How to select a max row for each group in SQL

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test1]([Country] [varchar](4) NULL,  [grpid] [int] NOT NULL,  [Value] [int] NULL,  [Row_num] [int] NULL) 

INSERT [dbo].[test1]  VALUES (N'US', 49707, 604456458, 1)
, (N'US', 909, 604456458, 2),(N'US', 231, 604456457, 3)
, (N'GB', 5086, 497654945, 4), (N'GB', 50147, 405759433, 5),(N'GB', 909, 405759433, 6),(N'GB', 231, 405759433, 7)
, (N'CA', 49707, 353500201, 8), (N'CA', 5086, 353500201, 9),(N'CA', 909, 353500201, 10),(N'CA', 231, 353500201, 11)
, (N'JP', 49707, 198291290, 12),(N'JP', 5086, 198291290, 13), (N'JP', 909, 198291290, 14)
,(N'JP', 231, 198291290, 15)
, (N'MX', 49707, 181884714, 16), (N'MX', 909, 181884714, 17)
,(N'MX', 231, 181884714, 18),(N'BR', 49707, 105147054, 19), (N'BR', 5086, 105147054, 20),(N'BR', 909, 105147054, 21)
, (N'AR', 49707, 94774929, 22), (N'AR', 5086, 94774929, 23), (N'AR', 909, 94774929, 24),(N'AR', 231, 94774929, 25)
, (N'ZA', 49707, 84560514, 26),(N'ZA', 909, 84560514, 27),(N'ZA', 231, 84560514, 28), (N'CN', 49707, 68966682, 29)
,(N'CN', 909, 68966682, 30),(N'CN', 231, 68966682, 31),(N'CB', 49707, 65020665, 32)
, (N'CB', 5086, 65020665, 33), (N'CB', 909, 65020665, 34),(N'CB', 231, 65020665, 35)
,(N'GT', 49707, 42016510, 36), (N'GT', 5086, 42016510, 37),(N'GT', 909, 42016510, 38), (N'CR', 49707, 37116544, 39)
,(N'CR', 5086, 37116544, 40), (N'CR', 909, 37116544, 41),(N'CR', 231, 37116544, 42), (N'SV', 49707, 31103322, 43)
, (N'SV', 5086, 31103322, 44), (N'SV', 909, 31103322, 45),(N'NI', 49707, 17415843, 46),(N'NI', 5086, 17415843, 47)
, (N'NI', 909, 17415843, 48), (N'HN', 49707, 12516273, 49),(N'HN', 5086, 12516273, 50),(N'HN', 909, 12516273, 51)


Country	grpid	Value	Row_num
US	49707	604456458	1
GB	5086	497654945	4
CA	909	353500201	10
JP	231	198291290	15


--source table with a generated row number based on value and grpid
;with mytest as (
select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn   from test1

,mycte1 as (select grpid,country,value, Row_num, row_number() over(Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn
from mytest a where not exists(select 1  from mytest b where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )
,mycte2 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num, row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn 
 from mycte1 a where not exists(select 1  from mycte1 b where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )  
,mycte3 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num, row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn from mycte2 a 
where not exists(select 1  from mycte2 b where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) ) 

 --Add more
--,mycte4 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn
-- from mycte3 a where not exists(select 1  from mycte3 b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) ) 
--,mycte5 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn from mycte4 a 
--where not exists(select 1  from mycte4 b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )

--Final combine all
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mytest WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte1 WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte2 WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte3 WHERE rn=1

 ----Add more
--Union ALL
--select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte4 WHERE rn=1
--Union ALL
--select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte5 WHERE rn=1


drop table test1

--Early version
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test1](
       [Country] [varchar](4) NULL,
       [grpid] [int] NOT NULL,
       [Value] [int] NULL,
       [Row_num] [int] NULL

INSERT [dbo].[test1]  VALUES (N'US', 49707, 604456458, 1)
, (N'US', 909, 604456458, 2),(N'US', 231, 604456457, 3)

, (N'GB', 5086, 497654945, 4), (N'GB', 50147, 405759433, 5),(N'GB', 909, 405759433, 6),(N'GB', 231, 405759433, 7)
, (N'CA', 49707, 353500201, 8), (N'CA', 5086, 353500201, 9),(N'CA', 909, 353500201, 10),(N'CA', 231, 353500201, 11)
, (N'JP', 49707, 198291290, 12),(N'JP', 5086, 198291290, 13), (N'JP', 909, 198291290, 14),(N'JP', 231, 198291290, 15)
, (N'MX', 49707, 181884714, 16), (N'MX', 909, 181884714, 17)
,(N'MX', 231, 181884714, 18),(N'BR', 49707, 105147054, 19), (N'BR', 5086, 105147054, 20),(N'BR', 909, 105147054, 21)
, (N'AR', 49707, 94774929, 22), (N'AR', 5086, 94774929, 23), (N'AR', 909, 94774929, 24),(N'AR', 231, 94774929, 25)
, (N'ZA', 49707, 84560514, 26),(N'ZA', 909, 84560514, 27),(N'ZA', 231, 84560514, 28), (N'CN', 49707, 68966682, 29)
,(N'CN', 909, 68966682, 30),(N'CN', 231, 68966682, 31),(N'CB', 49707, 65020665, 32)
, (N'CB', 5086, 65020665, 33), (N'CB', 909, 65020665, 34),(N'CB', 231, 65020665, 35)
,(N'GT', 49707, 42016510, 36), (N'GT', 5086, 42016510, 37),(N'GT', 909, 42016510, 38), (N'CR', 49707, 37116544, 39)
,(N'CR', 5086, 37116544, 40), (N'CR', 909, 37116544, 41),(N'CR', 231, 37116544, 42), (N'SV', 49707, 31103322, 43)
, (N'SV', 5086, 31103322, 44), (N'SV', 909, 31103322, 45),(N'NI', 49707, 17415843, 46),(N'NI', 5086, 17415843, 47)
, (N'NI', 909, 17415843, 48), (N'HN', 49707, 12516273, 49),(N'HN', 5086, 12516273, 50),(N'HN', 909, 12516273, 51)


Country	grpid	Value	Row_num
US	49707	604456458	1
GB	5086	497654945	4
CA	909	353500201	10
JP	231	198291290	15


;with mytest as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn   from test1)

,mycte1 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mytest a where not exists(select 1  from mytest b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )
,mycte2 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num, row_number() over(Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn   from mycte1 )
,mycte3 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte1 a where not exists(select 1  from mycte2 b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )
,mycte4 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn   from mycte3 )
,mycte5 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte3 a where not exists(select 1  from mycte4 b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )
,mycte6 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn   from mycte5 )
,mycte7 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte5 a where not exists(select 1  from mycte6 b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )
,mycte8 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num,  row_number() over(  Order by value DESC, grpid DESC) rn  from mycte7 ) 
,mycte9 as (select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte7 a where not exists(select 1  from mycte8 b   where (a.Country = b.Country OR a.GrpID = b.grpId) AND rn=1) )

--Final combine all
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mytest WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte2 WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte4 WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte6 WHERE rn=1
Union ALL
select grpid,country,value , Row_num from mycte8 WHERE rn=1


drop table test1



A Group DisplayOrder Comparison Sample


declare @UserRecord table
(id int identity(1,1), JobId char(1),categoryId char(1), categoryItem char(1),displayOrder char(1),userId char(1));
insert into @UserRecord values

('1','1', 'a','1', '0'),
('1','1', 'b','2', '0'),
('1','1', 'c','3', '0'),

('1','2', 'a','2', '0'),
('1','2', 'b','1', '0'),
('1','2', 'c','3', '0'),

('1','3', 'a','2', '0'),
('1','3', 'b','1', '0'),
('1','3', 'c','3', '0'),

('1','1', 'a','1', '1'),
('1','1', 'b','2', '1'),
('1','1', 'c','3', '1'),

('1','2', 'a','1', '1'),
('1','2', 'b','2', '1'),
('1','2', 'c','3', '1'),

('1','3', 'a','1', '1'),
('1','3', 'b','2', '1'),
('1','3', 'c','3', '1'),

('1','1', 'a','1', '2'),
('1','1', 'b','2', '2'),
('1','1', 'c','3', '2'),

('1','2', 'a','1', '2'),
('1','2', 'b','2', '2'),
('1','2', 'c','3', '2'),

('1','3', 'a','1', '2'),
('1','3', 'b','2', '2'),
('1','3', 'c','3', '2');

--select * from @UserRecord
;with mycte as (
SELECT Distinct  jobid,categoryid,userId, Cols = STUFF((
SELECT ',' + displayOrder
FROM @UserRecord m
Where m.jobid=m1.jobid AND m.categoryid=m1.categoryid AND m.userId=m1.userId 
Order by id
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
FROM @UserRecord m1


,mycte1 as
select jobid,categoryid,  cols, userId, count(cols) Over(Partition by categoryid, cols) rn, Min(userid) Over(Partition by categoryid, cols) minUserId 
from mycte


----If you are using SQL Server 2008 or above

-----Option 1
Merge @UserRecord u
Using ( select jobid,categoryid,  cols, userId from mycte1
Where rn>1 And minUserId=0 and userid>0 ) m 
On (m.jobid=u.jobid AND m.categoryid=u.categoryid AND m.userId=u.userId )
When matched Then

----Option 2
--Merge @UserRecord u
--Using (
--select jobid,categoryid, userId from mycte1 m WHERE  exists (Select categoryid, cols From mycte1 
--WHERE userid=0 and categoryid=m.categoryid and m.cols=cols ) and userid<>0 ) m 
--On (m.jobid=u.jobid AND m.categoryid=u.categoryid AND m.userId=u.userId )
--When matched Then

select id, jobid,categoryid,displayOrder, userId from @UserRecord


Format File for BCP Or Bulk Insert

------bcp create non-XML format file

--One option:
 DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(4000) 
SET @sql='bcp [myDB].[dbo].[myTable] format nul -c  -f  C:\temp\myFormat2.fmt -T -t\t  -S'+ @@servername
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql


exec master..xp_cmdshell  'bcp [myDB].[dbo].[myTable] format nul   -f  C:\temp\myFormatFile.fmt  -c -T -S myServer\MyInstance';


------bcp create XML format file

----Another Sample:
SET @sql='bcp [myDB].[dbo].[myTable] format nul -c -x -f  C:\temp\yourFORMATFIle.xml -T  -t\t -S'+ @@servername
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

exec master..xp_cmdshell  'bcp [myDB].[dbo].[myTable] format nul -c -x -f  C:\temp\myFormatFile.xml  -T -S myServer\MyInstance';




Use a Format File to Map Table Columns to Data-File Fields (SQL Server)

Use a Format File to Skip a Table Column (SQL Server)

Use a Format File to Skip a Data Field (SQL Server)

XML Format file
–Simply remove the that column from section

Non-XML Format File
— Keep the leftmost row number as is (Host file field order) and change the Server coloumn order value to 0 and renumber all other columns as well.

SSIS or T-SQL Stored Procedure

I have seen a solution to use dynamic SQL to migrate data into SQL Server database. But I feel the solution is pushing pretty hard in using T-SQL. It needs quite good of mastering of T-SQL skills to handle the customized task and for working with file names and scheduling, it becomes harder.
SSIS is a low cost ETL tool in SQL Server stack. It comes with many versions of SQL Server included into the server licence. It is easy to handle many tasks which may pose some difficulties with pure T-SQL approach.
I came across a summary of the comparison of these two from Infosys, which is a good source to have a quick overview of this topic.
Here is the link to that document:

Click to access sql-server-data-migration-approaches.pdf