Migrate Encrypted Database to a New Server (with a new key)

/* Migrating SQL Server Databases that use Database Master Key

--Step 1:
--Find databases:  Database Master Keys encrypted by the Service Master Key:

select name
from sys.databases
where is_master_key_encrypted_by_server = 1

--Step 2:
/*----Add one new password for DMK in the source server database
-- If you don’t know a valid password for the Database Master Key, you can create a new one. 
--(! Multiple passwords can encrypt the same Database Master Key)
--USE [theDB]
--alter master key 
--add encryption by password = 'myPass1d2f3wStrong'

--Step 3:
--Backup  theDB and restore it to a new SERVER.
USE [theDB]
open master key decryption by password = 'myPass1d2f3wStrong'
alter master key 
drop encryption by service master key

USE [theDB]
open master key decryption by password = 'myPass1d2f3wStrong'
alter master key 
add encryption by service master key




How to Get Rid of the Black Screen of Remote Desktop After Successful Login

Click CTRL-ALT-END and Hit Cancel.
You may need to re login your remote desktop but I don’t need to this time.

Execute Stored Procedure with Parameters and Insert the Resultset Into a Table

 --Set parameters
declare	@did int = 1,
		@eid int =88

declare @sqltax varchar(1000);
select @sqltax = 'SET NOCOUNT ON;SET FMTONLY OFF; EXEC [mydb].[dbo].[getMytaxes]
	 @did = '+cast(@did as varchar(15))
	 +', @eid = '+cast(@eid as varchar(15))
EXEC ('SELECT *  INTO mytaxes  FROM  OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=MC12\MSSQL08R2;Trusted_Connection=yes;'',''' +  @sqltax + ''') AS t;')

select eid, sum(tax) as taxtotal 
into mytaxes2
from mytaxes
group by eid

Drop table mytaxes
Drop table mytaxes2